Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sweet Baby Addison

What a smile...she is pretty darn cute!
Addison's first bath!

The Grandparents and Uncle Ryan at the hospital!

So, I finally caved and got a blog. For those of you that know me well, you know that technology is not exactly my strong suit. I can remember back when IM came out and I think I was the last human on the planet to take part in it. I had my roommate, Lizzie, set up my account. Yes, that's right I couldn't even figure out how to do that. And now, things have not changed, because I enlisted my sweet friend, Ally, to design this blog for me. I wanted to start a blog, as so many of you have, for our new addition to the family. We recently had our sweet baby girl, Addison, on July 13th. They change so much in the first year of their lives. So, I figured that I would need to get on the blog thing so that she could look back at how much she has changed and read about all the events that happened (first smile, etc) as well as what the Lord was doing in Mom and Dad's life. I am truly blessed to have a wonderful husband who indulges me with taking lots of pics for the blog as you can see! 

Mothering...wow! I have never had to lean on the Lord more or work harder. Christ has taught me how completely selfish I am! You have to give so much of yourself. I am so thankful for what the Lord has taught me these past few weeks. He has given me a whole new respect for my mom and what all she did for me. Daily she gave of herself.  And now, the Lord is teaching me what that means. As I look through scripture, it is so clear that the Lord is begging us to give up the things of this world and serve others considering them better than ourselves. To not be captured and captivated by things, relationships, positions or the idea of the "Best mom in the world"- but to be captivated by Him alone. Once true surrender happens- Christ captivates us forever and makes all else fade away. He has captivated my heart once again through motherhood- through the blessing of having a child, the realization that I cannot do it on my own, and the freedom that He gives to not know what in the world you are doing but knowing the promise that He is faithful and will always take care of His children. I have surrendered all my insecurities, all my inadequacies- not because I wanted to but I had to so that Addison could have what was best for her. My best wasn't enough- Christ is so much better.


The Schmidt Family said...

SHe is beautiful!! Definitely a "Joy."

Jessica @ FiveInSix said...

She is so stinkin' cute! I'm so glad you're doing a blog. It seems thats the only way I can keep up with friends these days. Love you guys!

Sharon said...

July 13th not only was a special day for a beautiful baby to be born (an ADORABLE little baby)......but also a day that a "Mom and a Dad" were born. You two are and are going to be AWESOME parents. No, it won't be easy, but it is the most rewarding time of your life. God has truly blessed you both!!

Love ya'll!!!
"Great Aunt" Sharon :)

P.S. Love the blog!!!

Jeffie said...

Yeah!!! So glad you're blogging. You're such a great writer with such a sweet heart that I know it will bless all who read! And, of course everyone who sees baby Addison pics!!! Love you!! :)

Lindsey @ A New Life said...

I am so glad you are posting and love the pictures! Thanks for the encouragement and reminder to depend on God in every moment, even the difficult ones with our children.
Love you and miss you!

The Vann's said...

Hey Rachel and Trevor, Congratulations on your Beautiful baby girl! We are excited to see that ya'll have started blogging!! Hope you all are doing well, and we look forward to keeping up with you guys! Sleep is in your future, we promise :)- Nick and Carissa Vann

Anonymous said...

Can't believe you have a blog. You are such a mom now. But don't worry, you are still my BEST FRIEND. I love you to pieces... you are an amazing mom an an amazing bff. Love you and my addison! (trev too... I guess:)

aunt pep :)

Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

Yeah just found your blog. Love that sweet thing already. Wish I could be there to hold her!! Look forward to following your life from afar :(

Anonymous said...

I am so excited you started a BLOG! Now I will be able to keep up with yall!! Addison has already changed and looks more like yall. Know that you are missed.